My workshops are engaging, informative and interactive programmes tailored to deliver key learning objectives and inspire real and powerful behavioural change.
These workshops are very practical, and empower participants with tools and techniques which can be implemented long after the workshop has finished.
I deliver workshops on topics such as:
Managing Worries and Anxiety
Tackling self-talk to promote a happier you
Life Skills for Kids
Life Skills for Teens
Empowering Young Girls
Growth Mindset
Preparing you child for the Transition to Secondary School.
These workshops can be run from my office, from your place of work, school, local community center etc. See below for and example of one of the workshops I deliver.
Testimonial from Bush Post Primary School
"Life Coach and Master Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming, Sharon Fennelly gave workshops on ‘The Power of Words’ to our 2nd Year students in October 2019. Her enthusiasm for the topic was contagious. Students were engaged and focused leaving with a toolkit of skills and an awareness of how powerful what we say to others and what is said to us can be. Parents attended a talk that evening on the same topic. Parent feedback was very positive as their awareness and skills were increased. Sharon focused on how parents can build confidence and resilience among children. Working with Sharon was a pleasure. She is crystal clear in her delivery and works alongside schools to facilitate ease and comfort in organisation."
Olivia Cosgrove Bush Post Primary School, Riverstown, Co. Louth
Feel free to contact me for further information.

'Life Skills for Kids' Workshop
Practical life skills that all children should be taught
My 'Life Skills for Kids' workshop is designed for primary school age children from 1st to 6th class.
This interactive programme, focuses on life skills such as:
building confidence, resilience and the power of persistence
techniques for reducing anxiety;
the importance of not being afraid to make mistakes and learning from mistakes;
combating unhelpful self-talk;
setting and achieving goals;
understanding criticism v’s feedback;
promoting self-love;
developing a Growth Mindset;
the power of the YET;
and much, much more…
Refer to the Events section on this website and/or my facebook page @sharonfennellylifecoach for more details on my next scheduled series of workshops
For more information on Growth Mindset click on the following https://www.ted.com/talks/carol_dweck_the_power_of_believing_that_you_can_improve?language=en
One Parents Testimonial
"This course is a must for all kids. It is gentle and thought provoking and positive and the information is all evidence based. And most importantly, it is fun! Sharon is wonderful at engaging with the kids and allowing them have space to talk and feel their feelings. There are weekly updates by email on the topics to be covered in the sessions and more information after each session on how parents/caregivers can reinforce the ideas talked about. This kind of teaching should be on every school syllabus! I would have no hesitation in recommending Sharon’s Life Skills for Kids course."
The distance between your dreams and reality is called ACTION!
Contact me to find out more.