Whether we are parents or teachers, the happiness and well-being of the children and young adults in our lives is the most important factor. The emotional well-being of children and young adults is just as important as their physical health and their education. Good mental health allows children and young people to develop the resilience to cope with whatever life throws at them and grow into well-rounded, healthy adults.
Children spend so much time in school; therefore, schools are the perfect place to protect and promote the positive mental health and well-being of children. Traditionally schools have focused on education; however now more and more schools realise that if a child's mental health and well-being is not supported then their educational attainment is futile.
A great initiative that has been introduced by Pieta House is the Amber Flag initiative, whereby they recognise the individual efforts of primary and secondary schools, companies, and groups to create healthy, inclusive environments that support mental well-being, work towards a happier, healthier Ireland and eradicate the stigmas associated with mental health issues.
I had the great honour and pleasure of raising the Amber Flag at St. Furseys National School in Haggardstown in Blackrock last year. The principal, teachers and staff have done amazing work with the children to nurture the mental health and well-being of the pupils in their school. It was such an honour to work with the school to help them attain this very important flag which I have no doubt will benefit so many children who walk through their doors. Well done to all.
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